DIFFERabled have created a network of support systems for parents, carers, families and individuals with Autistic, ADHD and all neurodiverse conditions across West Central Scotland and beyond. This page provides a brief outline of what we can offer you.

You may have been signposted here from an NHS service, carers center, council service or another organisation.

Welcome to our community!


Training and Information

Our programme is delivered throughout the year, on a rolling schedule both during the day and in the evening, in person and online. CLICK HERE for more information.

Parent & Carer Information Drop In

We have regular sessions across the city, where you’ll be met with a warm cuppa and a smile. Please CLICK HERE to where and when we are in your area.

Individual Support

If you are overwhelmed and in need of one to one support, our Family Link Officers can arrange a short session with you to offer a listening ear, explore your situation, offer advice, and signpost you to other useful organisations. Please CLICK HERE if this would be helpful to you.

Social Media

We have a wonderful closed Facebook group of parents supporting one another, if you would like to join, please CLICK HERE to answer some short questions.

Please use the Menu at the top of each page to navigate our site in more detail.